Merely an interruption . . .

My, my—has it really been more than a year since I have posted an entry? I have to admit rather sheepishly that it has, but I have a good excuse—money.

For the last year and a half work on the Green Truck has been on hold while I’ve scrimped and saved up money to get the engine rebuilt. Yes, I had hoped to be able to do the work myself, but I finally had to admit to myself that I lacked the time, the knowledge, and the tools to do so. Three strikes and you’re out. I am afraid that I let The Green Truck lapse from inattention and did not tell anyone why or what I was doing.

In my own defense, while I was at work on the fiscal end of Truck things, I’ve managed to keep myself busy with other projects, like building Dear the rocking chair I’ve been promising for thirty years.

Dear’s cherry rocker

Saving up the four figures required for the machining work to be done on the engine has taken up that year and a half. Finally the money has been gleaned and I am ready to pick up the story again. Start looking for new installments of The Green Truck again, hopefully weekly, but certainly with a shorter frequency than every year and a half.

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